S-a terminat, s-a terminat!
ce s-a terminat puiule?
Nu mai e Glade Microspray!
cam in aceiasi termeni reusesc sa vad si eu sfarsitul asta de liceu. Inca nu pot sa ma adun sa relizez in totalitate realitatea covarsitoare a acestui lucru. Nu mai trebuie sa ma duc la scoala. Ma voi duce la facultate, dar nu va fi acelasi lucru. Fara glumele lui danutz, fara absentele lui gabi, fara interventiile diversilor profi sau colegi... I really am going to miss every single one of these things, but now... I can't be sad now! Is it ok, doctor, am I ok?...hmm:-?
Am acum de invatat la bac. Dar tind intotdeauna sa caut orarul lipit deasupra biroului, sa caut prin caietele din biblioteca cele pe care le am pentru ziua urmatoare... Dar nu pot sa fiu trist. Si ce daca nu mai suntem colegi, suntem prieteni, nu? Da, am avut deceptii, da, ne-am certat, da, ni s-a acrit uneori unul de altul, but... so what? Si ce daca am trcut prin dificultati, oare nu astea ne fac mai puternici? Si ce daca m-am inteles mai bine cu unii si mai putin cu altii in anumite momente-desi eu am cam incercat sa ma impart cat de cat intre est si vest(what a stupid idea that was, dividing the class in 2)-si am mai mintit uneori, si m-am mai sustras de la unele activitati? Nu conteaza pentru mine, nu cred k ele conteaza on the long run. I think, I have to think, I need to think and Believe, we will still be friends! M-am distrat atat de bine cu toti! Da, cu toti, caci am vazut intotdeauna calitatile din toti, fie ca le-am vazut din prima, fie ca le-am descoperit pe parcurs. You really are the best friend I have ever had!! People, I love all of you!!!
Stefan-for showing me what living your life care-free really is
Maria - for being so damn wild!
Bogdan(Costi->Cos->sin derivat etc)- for proving to me what psichological endurance really is!
Miruna - for calling a spade a spade no matter the cost and coming out of the consequences unharmed
Gabi - for being loyal to Phisics and your girl for all these years-and for making it Hell for several teachers
Stefana - for being the only rich kid with a really warm heart - and for your boy hunting abilities
Liviu - for Making my day so many times and proving that you can be a rebel no matter what the others say
M D(Cosette) - For having a warm heart yet an entrepreneuring spirit
Alexandra - for doing it her way about missing school and withstanding the inherent pawning
Anca - for being so damn talented!
Mako - for being the most brilliant lazy guy I've ever met! - and one very good friend
Vali - for all those test papers he got 10 in without learning anything - what man wants to do, he will, eventually:D
Ioana - for her smiles and her down-to-earth-self - perfect for the floating minds of some of us
Andreea - for being one hell of a photographer, one big optimist, and very shy in certain as(s)pects:P - and proving you can be fresh without being horny:D
Ilinca - for being like a small sister to many of us in many a times - and for being the living proof that pessimism is not deadly
Iulia - for being a walking encyclopedia, but never forgetting to help, love and laugh
Ducu - for your treasured friendship!
Alina - for proving that learning and wits are not incompatible to drinking:D
Madalina - for showing me new paths - and for who you are
Irene - for showing me that sarcasm is the most elegant weapon, as elegance has always defined you:D
Dragos - for being the most relaxed guy in the world - learning is definately not THE way:D
Radu - for having marked our generation
Dar nu imi va fi dor doar de voi, colegii mei. Imi va fi dor si de alte cateva persoane care mie mi-au fost extrem de dragi, pentru ca m-au inspirat in alegerile si drumul meu in viata. Sper ca intr-o buna zi sa ma vada undeva in varf si sa fie mandri sa spuna - uite, mare om, i-am fost profesor!
Doamna Sechelea - for having been for more than 4 years like a second mother!
Mr. Pi - for showing me that change is possible and for trusting me to do it
Doamna Caradan - for being an example of dedication - and for helping me throughout my biology training, even if I wasn't always up to the task
Doamna Cotofan - for taking me for 8 years in camps and for taking me in different projects which opened new paths - as you can see, I owe a lot of people a debt of gratitude for that, because they truly have done something about it, as I am not a very forward-planning person
Domnul Turbatu - for showing me that science does not have to exclude arts and for bearing with me for 4 excruciating years.
Domnul Marcu - for his principles and for teaching us never to give up ours if they are just.
Si imi va mai fi dor de unele persoane, dar ele vor ramane doar in inima mea.
Ma iertati pentru datile in care am fost chinuitor, capos, enervant sau indiferent. Stiu ca regretele pot scoate cuiele, dar nu pot umple gaurile sau sterge cicatricele, dar va rog din tot sufletul sa va amintiti de mine ca un om vesel, prietenos, aerian, dar de bon-aire, care sper ca v-a inveselit macar o data cu o gluma, o stangacie sau chiar cu felul lui ciudat de a fi.
S-a terminat. Dar refuz. Refuz sa accept acest lucru, si voi incerca sa fac totul sa para ca nu s-a terminat, ca inca mai pot fi copil/adolescent, si ca inca mai am prieteni buni care sa ma ia asa cum sunt. De ce trebuie totul sa fie atat de complicat, atat de serios acum? De ce este atat de greu sa vezi dincolo de zidurile ridicate in jurul tau si sa strigi: NU-I NIMIC, INTELEG. CU TOTII GRESIM, SI TOTI SUNTEM OAMENI!
Si acum inchei aceasta lamentabila destainuire cvasipatetica, cerand un singur lucru:
hm..ce dragut. ma bucur ca tu (voi) ati terminat in tonul asta. la noi asta a lipsit cu desavarsire. eu as fi putut gasi cuvinte dragute pentru toata lumea cu care am fost in clasa...dar nu le vedeam/vad rostul...ma rog a fost mai complicat. ma bucur pentru voi :D
RăspundețiȘtergereeu am terminat cam asa... http://rxndra.blogspot.com/2009/03/am-invatat.html
frumos ai mai scris :-)
RăspundețiȘtergerenu sin derivat :))