Where one can find drabbles of the soul and lamentations of the mind... or was it the other way around?...
joi, 29 iulie 2010
pentru asta am facut acest filmulet.
enjoy:D ;) aa, si COMMENT PLEASE!!!
miercuri, 28 iulie 2010
dupa ce a trecut si bacu si admiterea, si acum ca sunt medicinist in mod oficial:D, pot sa ma apuc sa scriu. Deja am inceput, si m-as bucura sa dati un review, ceva la ce am scris eu. Puteti posta review-uri si daca nu sunteti inscrisi pe site:D So don't hesitate, and review!!!
Witch's Discovery
The first step
Luni plec in Olanda intr-un training cu si despre teatru si performing arts in general. I can't wait!! Oh, and while I'm at it, I wanna meet with Luc Bartholomee, my first Dutch exchange student. But he won't answer my email!! ( hint, hint;) )
Anyway, enjoy th reading, please!!:D
luni, 19 iulie 2010
Sunt o gura-leului
"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."
Inevitabil ma intreb... really?? Is mischief my middle name??
Daca DA, dati un comment!!!!!!! Daca NU, dati un comment:)) !!!!!
Voi mai reveni si cu alte postari (such as ce fac in vacanta asta;) ) dar asta dupa admitere:D
duminică, 13 iunie 2010
sfarsit de liceu
ce s-a terminat puiule?
Nu mai e Glade Microspray!
cam in aceiasi termeni reusesc sa vad si eu sfarsitul asta de liceu. Inca nu pot sa ma adun sa relizez in totalitate realitatea covarsitoare a acestui lucru. Nu mai trebuie sa ma duc la scoala. Ma voi duce la facultate, dar nu va fi acelasi lucru. Fara glumele lui danutz, fara absentele lui gabi, fara interventiile diversilor profi sau colegi... I really am going to miss every single one of these things, but now... I can't be sad now! Is it ok, doctor, am I ok?...hmm:-?
Am acum de invatat la bac. Dar tind intotdeauna sa caut orarul lipit deasupra biroului, sa caut prin caietele din biblioteca cele pe care le am pentru ziua urmatoare... Dar nu pot sa fiu trist. Si ce daca nu mai suntem colegi, suntem prieteni, nu? Da, am avut deceptii, da, ne-am certat, da, ni s-a acrit uneori unul de altul, but... so what? Si ce daca am trcut prin dificultati, oare nu astea ne fac mai puternici? Si ce daca m-am inteles mai bine cu unii si mai putin cu altii in anumite momente-desi eu am cam incercat sa ma impart cat de cat intre est si vest(what a stupid idea that was, dividing the class in 2)-si am mai mintit uneori, si m-am mai sustras de la unele activitati? Nu conteaza pentru mine, nu cred k ele conteaza on the long run. I think, I have to think, I need to think and Believe, we will still be friends! M-am distrat atat de bine cu toti! Da, cu toti, caci am vazut intotdeauna calitatile din toti, fie ca le-am vazut din prima, fie ca le-am descoperit pe parcurs. You really are the best friend I have ever had!! People, I love all of you!!!
Stefan-for showing me what living your life care-free really is
Maria - for being so damn wild!
Bogdan(Costi->Cos->sin derivat etc)- for proving to me what psichological endurance really is!
Miruna - for calling a spade a spade no matter the cost and coming out of the consequences unharmed
Gabi - for being loyal to Phisics and your girl for all these years-and for making it Hell for several teachers
Stefana - for being the only rich kid with a really warm heart - and for your boy hunting abilities
Liviu - for Making my day so many times and proving that you can be a rebel no matter what the others say
M D(Cosette) - For having a warm heart yet an entrepreneuring spirit
Alexandra - for doing it her way about missing school and withstanding the inherent pawning
Anca - for being so damn talented!
Mako - for being the most brilliant lazy guy I've ever met! - and one very good friend
Vali - for all those test papers he got 10 in without learning anything - what man wants to do, he will, eventually:D
Ioana - for her smiles and her down-to-earth-self - perfect for the floating minds of some of us
Andreea - for being one hell of a photographer, one big optimist, and very shy in certain as(s)pects:P - and proving you can be fresh without being horny:D
Ilinca - for being like a small sister to many of us in many a times - and for being the living proof that pessimism is not deadly
Iulia - for being a walking encyclopedia, but never forgetting to help, love and laugh
Ducu - for your treasured friendship!
Alina - for proving that learning and wits are not incompatible to drinking:D
Madalina - for showing me new paths - and for who you are
Irene - for showing me that sarcasm is the most elegant weapon, as elegance has always defined you:D
Dragos - for being the most relaxed guy in the world - learning is definately not THE way:D
Radu - for having marked our generation
Dar nu imi va fi dor doar de voi, colegii mei. Imi va fi dor si de alte cateva persoane care mie mi-au fost extrem de dragi, pentru ca m-au inspirat in alegerile si drumul meu in viata. Sper ca intr-o buna zi sa ma vada undeva in varf si sa fie mandri sa spuna - uite, mare om, i-am fost profesor!
Doamna Sechelea - for having been for more than 4 years like a second mother!
Mr. Pi - for showing me that change is possible and for trusting me to do it
Doamna Caradan - for being an example of dedication - and for helping me throughout my biology training, even if I wasn't always up to the task
Doamna Cotofan - for taking me for 8 years in camps and for taking me in different projects which opened new paths - as you can see, I owe a lot of people a debt of gratitude for that, because they truly have done something about it, as I am not a very forward-planning person
Domnul Turbatu - for showing me that science does not have to exclude arts and for bearing with me for 4 excruciating years.
Domnul Marcu - for his principles and for teaching us never to give up ours if they are just.
Si imi va mai fi dor de unele persoane, dar ele vor ramane doar in inima mea.
Ma iertati pentru datile in care am fost chinuitor, capos, enervant sau indiferent. Stiu ca regretele pot scoate cuiele, dar nu pot umple gaurile sau sterge cicatricele, dar va rog din tot sufletul sa va amintiti de mine ca un om vesel, prietenos, aerian, dar de bon-aire, care sper ca v-a inveselit macar o data cu o gluma, o stangacie sau chiar cu felul lui ciudat de a fi.
S-a terminat. Dar refuz. Refuz sa accept acest lucru, si voi incerca sa fac totul sa para ca nu s-a terminat, ca inca mai pot fi copil/adolescent, si ca inca mai am prieteni buni care sa ma ia asa cum sunt. De ce trebuie totul sa fie atat de complicat, atat de serios acum? De ce este atat de greu sa vezi dincolo de zidurile ridicate in jurul tau si sa strigi: NU-I NIMIC, INTELEG. CU TOTII GRESIM, SI TOTI SUNTEM OAMENI!
Si acum inchei aceasta lamentabila destainuire cvasipatetica, cerand un singur lucru:
vineri, 28 mai 2010
Merg la Simun!!!... reprezint Libanul, e drept, dar e in Security Council si asta conteaza. Oricum, sunt niste idioti notorii dpdv organizatoric, pt k in loc sa aleaga delegatii dupa ce au primit toate aplicatiile, merg pe principiul primul sosit primul servit... stupid...
Moving on, am tinut azi reprezentatia la Mr Pi...:)))))... here, watch:
A, si se apropie bacu dar noi avem greva la profi... toate bune si frumoase atata timp cat nu suspenda bacul ala mare... da, da, stiu, stiu, egocentrist si egoist... spare me the critics, intr-o tara cu o conducere incompetenta, e implicita o reactie incompetenta a celorlalti... din pacate...
Intr-o nota mai fericita, avem lunea si martea astea libere... sau cel putin asa ni s-a spus, facandu-se precizarea k sa nu uitam sa ne uitam pe site-ul scolii...
apropo de site... la atestat a fost piece of cake... nu k asa ar fi trebuit sa fie, ba din contra, dar asa a fost... which goes to show that all exams in this curious country are fake.
asa... enjoy what's left of your school year and good luck with the exams, all you who have them:D
sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010
Tot in autobuz a intrat la un moment dat si un politist. Ati observat vreodata cat de grasi sunt politistii? Era masiv, si inalt, si burtos, cu o ceafa buna de mancat la restaurant pe bani buni si imbracat de parca afara ar fi fost 5, nu 20 de grade Celsius. Inevitabil curgeau apele de pe el siroaie, dar deh, el era domnul organ! Pot pune pariu ca daca nu ar fi fost sutobuzul atat de zgomotos ii puteam auzi respiratia greoaie, incercand sa destinda o cutie toracita impovarata de straturile groase de tesut adipos depuse la exterior, in interios si cu siguranta si in artere... Nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu am ceva cu politistii, dar in Romania, si nu cred k suntem un caz singular in lume, politia este plina de nepotism si delasare. A, si sa nu uitam coruptie etc... Sad, really, dar asta e...:-<
Mi-a venit raspunsul de la King's College. Nu sunt acceptat. de parca mai conteaza, acum ca m-am hotarat sa dau la medicina... but I can't help feeling a small pang of regret about it... Ei, ma rog, acuma tre sa le zic pana pe 7 iunie ca nu vreau sa ma mai duc la ei. Si daca tot suntem la subiectul asta, urmatoare postare va fi un nesimtit copy paste dintr-unul din mailurile de pe grupul Yahoo Romstudyabroad, pe care vi-l recomand cu mare caldura.
Sa aveti un 1 mai muncitoresc fericit!!! singura mea intrebare este... Inca se mai serbeaza chestia asta cu iz comunist? Nu de alta, dar credeam ca romanul nostru incearca sa fuga de racilele comunismului... apparently not... eh, ma rog, daca gresesc spuneti-mi, dar eu cred k nu prea isi are rost ziua asta... but this is my opinion;)
luni, 19 aprilie 2010
all that noise, all that sound...
competentele azi, si nam invatat nimic pt ele...
am descoperit, insa, ca pot sa fac 2 cap la bio in aceeasi zi...
si am sa am nevoie...:((.... 9 SAPTAMANI pana la bac, 9!!!
si eu care credeam ca mai e timp... :-<
nu mai e timp, nu mai avem timp pt nimic in ziua de azi... si ne-o facem cu mana noastra... avem nevoie de televizor? Nu, dar petrecem in fata lui cel putin o jumate de ora pe zi. De Mess, de Facebook? Good Lord, no! And still we dwelve in a small puddle of self complacency... sa nu mai zic de orele pierdute la scoala- da, pierdute, u have no idea how boring some of them can be and how little what you actually do during them you will actually be of any use afterwards... well, maybe u have some idea, but that's beside the point...
da, un post de lamentari... si ce?:P
Don't forget to read my newest creation!! Witch's Discovery - Granny Weatherwax afla ca iar trebuie sa salveze lumea... lumea Disc, that is:P.
miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010
o postare pe fuga
O puteti vedea aici(Cony!! Heads up!!!)
Over and out:P
duminică, 4 aprilie 2010
Paste fericit omuleti!!!
Paste Fericit!
Si Hristos a Inviat!!
P.S. tot n-am terminat Witch's Discovery. Merge mai greu decat m-as fi asteptat...
sâmbătă, 27 martie 2010
Sunt fericit
P.S. M-am apucat sa mai scriu un capitol din seria cu Witch's folly. Se cheama Witch's Discovery si sper sa il termin pana la sf lunii.
sâmbătă, 20 martie 2010
o postare rapida de dragul seriei Discworld

Bineinteles, cel mai bine este sa incepeti cu The Colour of Magic pentru ca este cea care introduce propriu-zis lumea disc. Este primul roman aparut din serie si are un stil ceva mai relaxat. Daca, insa, va intereseaza ceva mai serios incepeti cu romanele cu Death. Alea sunt destul de filozofice. Or better still, start with Pyramids, acolo sa vedeti filosofie adevarata si o critica fina a religiei.
Va recomand sa va apucati de serie, pentru ca intr-adevar se merita.
and for a little taste of what Discworld holds:
vineri, 19 martie 2010
metallica in varianta inedita
watch and weep
este incredibil cat de bine suna, chiar daca este la tambal. I mean, WOW!!!
Exista imortalitate!!!

By Bryan Nelson, Mother Nature Network
Posted Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:57am PDT
Related topics: Animals, Nature More from Guest Bloggers blog .
The turritopsis nutricula species of jellyfish may be the only animal in the world to have truly discovered the fountain of youth.
Since it is capable of cycling from a mature adult stage to an immature polyp stage and back again, there may be no natural limit to its life span. Scientists say the hydrozoan jellyfish is the only known animal that can repeatedly turn back the hands of time and revert to its polyp state (its first stage of life).
The key lies in a process called transdifferentiation, where one type of cell is transformed into another type of cell. Some animals can undergo limited transdifferentiation and regenerate organs, such as salamanders, which can regrow limbs. Turritopsi nutricula, on the other hand, can regenerate its entire body over and over again. Researchers are studying the jellyfish to discover how it is able to reverse its aging process.
Because they are able to bypass death, the number of individuals is spiking. They're now found in oceans around the globe rather than just in their native Caribbean waters. "We are looking at a worldwide silent invasion," says Dr. Maria Miglietta of the Smithsonian Tropical Marine Institute.
Bryan Nelson is a regular contributor to Mother Nature Network, where a version of this post originally appeared.
marți, 16 martie 2010
hotarari, decizii...
Pana la urma dau la UMF Iasi. E hotarat lucru. Dar de ce sa renunt eu la aplicatiile in strainatate? Nu conteaza ca suntem in recesiune. Atata timp cat nu ma mai costa nimic, merg inainte si cu alea... UCL is gonna have a little piece of my genius:P:)) cand vor citi "minunea" de chestionar pe care mi l-au trimis iar King's vor fi fascinati de capacitatea mea de a lua note imense la bac- nu zic ca nu pot, ci doar atat: Doamne-ajuta!
Intre timp mi s-a luat o piatra de pe inima. Chimia este un obiect senzational... dar indelungile mele perioade de lipsa crasa de studiu propriu-zis la chimie imi cam faceau viata calvar acum ca trebuia sa recapitulez pentru UMF Cluj. Dar ce sa-i faci? Trebuia!
Acum insa... ei bine sunt mai relaxat. SPer sa ma lase si noile aparute dureri de stomac si sa imi revin cu nervii intinsi la maxim si bagati prin spalator la 90 Celsius si multe turatii pe secunda.
SI ca sa ma relaxez putin... here we go:D
luni, 8 martie 2010
concert, concert!!!
Concert de muzica de film cu piese din coloana sonora a lui Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings si inca una... can't remember now... google it:D;)
Am vazut pe youtube astfel de concerte, si de regula mai aveau si cate un cor, dar nuj daca asta o sa il aiba... om vedea:D
pe 22 martie la CCS Iasi!!
The Hogfather
OK, nu va panicati, nu vorbesc de tata... eu vorbesc de o carte. Terry Pratchett agin, guys, si minunata lui lume disc.
Asta e o ecranizare excelenta a cartii facuta de SkyOne-credeti-ma, am citit si cartea si stiu:D:P
Inca o carte pe care v-o recomand si un film la fel de bun... singurul meu regret este ca nu au folosit vocea lui Christopher Lee pentru Death... great movie, anyway:D
So here you go: The hogfather
duminică, 7 martie 2010
ok, I've been tagged
here we go... ATENTIE! lista mea de melodii este cel putin ciudata, asa k sa nu va speriati dk nu ati auzit de mel alea- nu-s inventate de mine, ele exista... youtube:D
1. Cum te simţi azi?
Nemesis 2- Master of shadows(Choir) ---mwahahaha:))
2. Vei ajunge departe în viata?
Immediate Music-The dark knight --- what???
3. Cum te văd prietenii tăi?
Immediate music- A moment of greatness--- yup, dat's me B-)
4. Te vei căsători vreodată?
Mika- Grace Kelly--- asa k nu stiu sigur =))
5. Care e tema preferată a celui mai bun prieten?
Future World Music- Agressive Intervention--- really?
6. Care e povestea vietii tale?
Immediate Musci- The war continues--- eh, asta-i interesant- it's really getting more and more interesting by the minute:D
7. Cum era în liceu?( sau cum este?)
Killer Tracks-Paradise awaits--- yup, I was right:))
8. Cum poti avansa în viată?
John Williams- Diagon Alley --- cum adica?? pe diagonala??
9. Care e cel mai frumos lucru la prietenii tăi?
Immediate Music- With an iron fist
10. Ce se preconizeaza pentru week-end?
God of War Soundtrack- Glory of Sparta--- ooo da:))
11. Ce cântec te descrie cel mai bine?
se pare ca Mika-Happy Ending \:D/
12. Dar pe bunicii tăi?
Future world music-- Allegiance to the world---hmm... interesting:-?
13. Cum iti merge în viată?
Immediate Music- Rex Eternum----oh, yeah, I wish :P
14. Ce melodie iti va cânta la înmormântare?
God of War Soundtrack- Typhon Mountain--- really???
15. Cum te vede restul lumii?
Immediate Music- To Rise above---uuu, nice:D
16. Vei avea o viată fericită?
asta-i tare:))--- God of War Soundtrack- An Audience with Cronos
17. Ce cred prietenii cu adevarat despre tine?
Immediate Music The way the cookie crumbles---:))
18. Sunt persoane care te doresc în secret?
Globus-Prelude(On Earth as in Heaven)---hmm... interesting, again:))
19. Cum sa ma fericesc singur?
Mika-We are golden---bai, bai, deci este incredibil:)))
20. Ce ar trebui să faci cu viata ta?
West One Music- Battle Draws Near--- it has that one right :-ss
a naibii... si urma FWM- Dreamscapes and wishes 8-)
a iesit foarte bine, neasteptat de bine... the advantage of having mostly only trailer music in my playlist:))
si sa dau si mai departe-- cony!, tag, you're it!
vineri, 5 martie 2010
Un prim capitol
Upon entering the village the first thing that struck them was the quietness of the villagers. They passed silently on the murky, cobbled streets, glancing now and then in front, just to quickly take in the surroundings. The brors were moving hastily through the somewhat labyrinthine alleys, with a sense of purpose. Otherwise they held their big, hairy snouts down, hidden under cloaks made of fine plant fibres or under light straw hats. From time to time someone would give a snort or a grunt of disapproval when passing them and their guards, throwing them cold looks.
‘Obviously they seriously disapprove of our coming here,’ whispered Ru to Rellenae. He looked purposefully toward a small group that had formed near a clay hut somewhere to their left since they had entered the village. Following his gaze she spotted that the brors there had somewhat better clothes than the others. They were glaring at them with their yellowish small eyes, while deeply involved in a whispered debate that seemed to concern them, although it was hard to tell. She nodded stiffly. She had never taken too much interest in their habits. Indeed, she had read about them in a few ballads and journals of some lucky enough to have been welcome into their midst years before the Leaf War. But apart from their social structure and some traditions from 200 years before, she knew next to nothing about them. That is why she felt somewhat uncomfortable in their presence. Ru, on the other hand, seemed to have no such problems. He was, after all, the smartest of them, and had, thus, successfully managed to encompass what knowledge they could gather in the ever increasing notebook he carried around with him at all times. He felt for the hard cover in his bag and felt reassured. He could take a quick peek any time and could remember whatever tradition, gesture or word that might have slipped his mind.
‘How can she endure the stress?’ thought Allan. He was clearly seeing the change in Helaena’s aura. It was never too quiet, but now... It was almost as if she was fighting with someone trying to take over her body. Sudden shifts in the colour, intensity and shape of her aura clearly indicated to Allan’s inner eye that she was in a great battle with herself. And this seemed to be obvious not only to him, but also to the guards towering above her head. They were also tense, studying her every move with interest, with wild curiosity gleaming in their beady little yellow eyes. He knew very well why she was suffering. He himself felt some kind of animosity towards the bror help that had been so willingly and easily given. There was something missing, there were some gaps that he could not fill, and the thought made him a little more uncomfortable than he was willing to admit. What did they want? There was meant to be a catch to their easy help. But he would have to wait for things to move on in order to figure out the full implications of this possible alliance.
‘We’re here!’ said the bror captain stopping in front of a tall hut, made of clay between several ancient trees. It was an outstanding masterpiece of bror ingenuity, thought Ru. The trees soared high to the skies. Yet, their canopy was only half grown at that impressive height. Half of their branches made up the roof of the building, going more or less radial towards the centre of the circular hut. The twigs intertwined and covered every possible patch that opened towards the clear afternoon sky. The hut’s windows were mere holes in the clay walls that united the tree trunks. Ivy had grown on them, finely weaving the frames. But what was more astounding than the gargantuan size of the building which, by all standards, had at least three floors, was the way the walls grew smaller with each moment as a result of the trunks getting thicker. The clay was no ordinary clay, and neither was it ordinarily built. A few springs had been redirected to flow through specially designed channels that span all over the surface of the walls, keeping the clay wet at all times. This drew an amazing pattern which impressed the viewer through its purposeful and organized apparent randomness of the fine grooves through which the water sprinkled and trickled. The sound was awe-inspiring, as if all the springs in the forest had been gathered in that single place. And because of the constant humidity of the building, moss and some unknown types of flowers flourished on the walls, creating the impression that the entire building had actually been dug in a gigantic mound of grey-yellow clay. Birds and odd-looking squirrels were joyfully living their tiny lives on the building.
Allan glanced sideways at Ru who was gawping, transfixed at the wild beauty of the building. He smiled slightly, trying not to show his own amazement towards the grandiose building towering above them. He looked around and saw that some brors were gathering in the small clearing. The others were analysing in amazement, although he noticed with satisfaction that they, too, were aware of the approaching party. He went to join the others and wait for what was to come.
Rellenae had sensed what was sure to be some sort of town hall from afar. The building itself was bustling with energy, although she could not yet tell if it was sapient. She felt the walls shrink, a slow, laborious process that remained by all accounts quite unnoticeable to the naked eye. But to her it was obvious, the flow of the slow, yet purposeful life in the three trees, the minute amounts of clay being washed away by the little sprinkles of water, the additional particles being added on by everything that grew on it, that developed in perfect balance with the rest of the building. She saw her awe, which she had always shown in little to no amount, mirrored in Ru’s face. She grinned in her mind, amused by the child-like reaction he had. He was such a naïve character when it came to such marvels. ‘Which,’ she thought, ‘is why I should always keep an eye on him. You never know what he’ll do if presented with promises involving knowledge.’ She made a mental note to tell him about this potentially disastrous weakness. She looked at the others. Allan was his unusually reserved self when in solemn situations. She could see the faint flicker of a smile briefly etched on his face. Her eyes turned to Helaena. Her heart skipped a beat. The girl was surely going to burst with venom. Her eyes were slightly red, every muscle on her face straining to maintain a neutral composure despite obvious interfering thoughts. Her hands were tightly clenched in fists, which seemed to hang heavily from stiff wooden arms. She was slightly hunched, although if viewed from behind, none of this was obvious. But Rellenae knew better. She understood the struggle between rage and self-control fighting over her friend’s body. She drew closer to her. Helaena shifted slightly on her feet, slowly revolving to face the scene going on behind Rellenae. Before she followed her gaze, she noticed with deep concern the cracking look in her friend’s eyes. As she spun on the spot to see what had caused it, she heard a joyful, if a bit hoarse voice:
Relenae saw Ru’s puzzlement, but she knew better. The thin demeanour, the raven eyes, the thick, though grey hair, even the way the grey-green clothes seemed to hang on his body, both humble and, at the same time, hiding some great inner power… he was, by all accounts, must have been, Helaena’s father.
pentru cei care nu au auzit in viata lor de Discworld
dar se merita sa vedeti asta, nu de alta, dar nu prea am cum sa postez cartea:))
luni, 1 martie 2010
in ora de info:D
cu o problema pe tabla scrisa de iulia, de 1 martie, urez tuturor o primavara fericita!!!
acuma, ideea blogului a fost sa postez book-reviews si micile mele creatii...aaa, si sa sensibilizez oamenii cu ochelari de cal ca nu tot ce este fantasy este patetic...
si acum, pentru ceva de citit, scris de mine si corectat de mai multi:)), here u go:D
Witch's Folly un fanfic facut dupa seria Discworld (despre care voi mai posta, hopefully) in speta firul narativ cu vrajitoarele-de la Equal Rites incolo.
marți, 23 februarie 2010
Am intrat la Edinbourgh!
dar nu voi merge, cel mai probabil... well, we'll see about that... :-?
sau daca vine vorba de ascultat...
pentru acele momente in care simti nevoia sa te detensionezi 8->
si pe o ultima suta de metri, intre chimie si romana...
Moromete suna mai frumos cand asculti asta:))
sâmbătă, 20 februarie 2010
Pentru ca un inceput trebuie sa existe...
Cam atat for now... sa ne traiasca cele 1000000000 de variante la mate: